add() is wrapper function of gmutate() and gsummarize(). gmutate() adds aggregated metrics as variables to the given data frame. gsummarize() aggregates metrics from the given data frame. gsummarize() and gsummarise() are synonyms. measure() and add() are also synonyms.

add(df, ..., metrics, summarize = TRUE, is_filtered = TRUE)

measure(df, ..., metrics, summarize = TRUE, is_filtered = TRUE)

gsummarize(df, ..., metrics, is_filtered = TRUE)

gsummarise(df, ..., metrics, is_filtered = TRUE)

gmutate(df, ..., metrics, is_filtered = TRUE)



Data frame.


Variables to group by.


Metrics defined by mmetrics::define().


Summarization flag. If it is TRUE, add() works as gsummarize(). Otherwise, add() works as gmutate().


Filter metrics which does not work for df or not


Data frame with calculated metrics


# Prepare data frame df <- data.frame( gender = rep(c("M", "F"), 5), age = (1:10)*10, cost = (51:60), impression = (101:110), click = (0:9)*3 ) # Define metrics metrics <- mmetrics::define( count = n(), cost = sum(cost), ctr = sum(click)/sum(impression) ) # Evaluate mmetrics::add(df, gender, metrics = metrics)
#> # A tibble: 2 x 4 #> gender count cost ctr #> <fct> <int> <int> <dbl> #> 1 F 5 280 0.142 #> 2 M 5 275 0.114